Notes from the Chocolatier: Last minute summer fun


Smores Summer Fun

As the heat begins of the summer starts to wane, us here at Delysia Chocolatier are still finding sweet summertime activities for our family’s to participate in before the real world crashes back in. Kids are going back to school in a few weeks and I feel like all we have accomplished at home is getting through all of our new favorite series on Netflix. If you are like us in Austin, you are still trying to find ways to stay cool even towards the end of summer.

What to do for some summer fun:

One of our favorite activities during the summer is to spend time with the family out on one of our many lakes in the area. Whether it is Stand-Up-Paddle Boarding on Lake Austin or spending the day tubing and wakeboarding on Lake Travis, being around water is necessary for summer fun.

Living in Texas, pools are also a must. It is a blast to spend the day poolside with friends on a scorching day. We always make sure to bring cold drinks and fresh fruit to make sure that we are hydrated and full. If only chocolate did not melt so easily in the heat or we would have that with us as well!

What is a summer night without some S’mores? Sometime it is too hot for a fire late at night, but Delysia has the perfect fix for that. Their S’mores Bark satisfies that craving for marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate. It satisfies the need for our favorite treat without going through all the work for it.

Summer is the time to spend with family. With kids off from school for a short period of time and parents having those weekends off, backyard BBQs, family dinners, and just general family time are necessary. Summer is the perfect time to catch up and slow down with the family instead of all that rushing around we do during the school year.

As summer is winding down, that does not mean the fun is. With the heat wearing off, we can finally spend some more time outside with friends and family. School is right around the corner, but we are not letting it get us down. Instead, we are spending our last days enjoying sweet summer treats like S’mores and relaxing by the pool or the lake.

Pick yours up today and let us know how it made you feel. It is a scrumptious treat that will definitely satisfy your childhood sweet tooth.

Nicole Patel signature

Nicole Patel

Nicole Patel is the proprietor of and chocolatier for Delysia Chocolatier. In 2006 while pregnant with her first son, Nicole made a batch of chocolate truffles as holiday gifts. To the delight of friends and family, she continued to create chocolates as a way to relieve stress from her corporate engineering job. In 2008, a chance trip to Becker Vineyards led to Nicole being the first in Texas to make truffles using local wines. Within five years, what started as a hobby turned Delysia into one of the Top Ten Chocolatiers in the Americas, as selected by the International Chocolate Salon.